Sustainable Building Pavilion

Sustainable Building Pavilion at the EnerGaïa Forum : solutions for alternative building and renovation

They were present in 2024


AFPG (French Association of Geothermal Professionals)


CAPEB (Confederation of Craftsmen and Small Building Companies)


CMA (Chambre des Métiers de l’Artisanat)







Launched in January 2009, the Plan Bâtiment Durable federates a broad network of building and real estate players around a common mission: to promote the implementation of energy and environmental efficiency objectives.

For the 5th year running, the EnerGaïa Forum, the 100% RE Forum, is presenting its Sustainable Building Pavilion.

The building sector accounts for 44% of the energy consumed in France.

To make buildings more energy-efficient, we need to massively renovate existing buildings and build sustainably for new buildings.

Over 37% of EnerGaïa’s visitors come to meet players in the eco-construction and energy renovation sectors.

The aim of the EnerGaïa Sustainable Building Pavilion is to deliver key information, inform professional audiences about current and future challenges, and propose and present energy-efficient solutions for buildings to trade visitors.

Spotlight on the Plan Bâtiment Durable Occitanie

Signed in 2021, the Plan Bâtiment Durable Occitanie (PBDOc) is a partnership initiative between the DREAL, ADEME, the Occitanie Region and the Plan Bâtiment Durable National. The aim of this 10-year commitment is to unite all players in the building, public works and real estate sectors around a strategy for achieving a successful energy and ecological transition.

The PBDOc is built around 5 key success factors: exemplarity, competence, financing, synergy, support and funding.

EnerGaïa 2024, a solidarity edition!

In 2024, the EnerGaïa Forum took a new step forward with an ambitious mission: to join forces with players in the renewable energies and sustainable building sectors to combat fuel poverty.

To this end, a unique solidarity challenge has been launched, inviting companies, partners and visitors to join forces withEnergie Solidaire. During the two days of the Forum, everyone was encouraged to take part in the Challenge Solidaire, a generosity initiative that raised funds to speed up energy renovation for low-income households.

This first edition raised over €82,000 for the Énergie Solidaire Occitanie program, launched in 2023 with the support of the Occitanie Region. This program, signed during the 2022 edition of the Forum, has already helped over 100 households renovate their homes.

The funds raised in 2024 will support five innovative projects:

  • Renovation of the Rieucros farm (Aveyron) – Terre de liens Midi Pyrénées.
  • Fonds d’accompagnement à la rénovation (Gard) – Soliha Méditerranée.
  • Ecogestes et pratiques écoresponsables (Gard) – Service d’entraide Protestant.
  • Raising awareness of the need to reduce energy costs (Ariège) – Association Écorce.
  • Support for households in Carcassonne (Aude) – Territoire Zéro Exclusion Énergétique (Zero Energy Exclusion Territory).

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L’intégralité du Parc des Expositions répond aux normes d’accès pour les personnes à mobilités réduites (PMR).
Il est également possible de bénéficier d’un accès parking spécifique sur présentation de la carte d’invalidité.

Le Forum ouvrira ses portes les 8 et 9 décembre 2021, de 9h à 18 le mercredi et de 9h à 17h le jeudi

L’accès au Forum EnerGaïa est réservé aux professionnels. Gratuit, le badge est néanmoins obligatoire.

Vous souhaitez demander une accréditation pour le Forum EnerGaïa :
Le formulaire est disponible sur l’Espace Presse.

Oui, Le Forum dispose d’un vestiaire gratuit. Les bagages y sont également acceptés

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The entire exhibition center meets the standards of access for people with reduced mobility (PMR).
It is also possible to benefit from a specific parking access upon presentation of the disability card.

The Forum will open its doors on December 8 and 9, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday

Access to the EnerGaïa Forum is reserved to professionals. The badge is free of charge, but it is mandatory.

You wish to request an accreditation for the EnerGaïa Forum:
The form is available on the Press Area.

Yes, the Forum has a free checkroom. Luggage is also accepted