Employment Training Pavilion

The Energaïa Forum, in partnership with France Travail, is offering an employment and training pavilion for visitors and exhibitors.

Events in the careers area, hall B3

Escape Game Day
Wednesday, December 11th
proposed by UIMM Occitanie a trade union representing regional industrial companies in the metallurgy sector. This original event is aimed at jobseekers and high school students, to immerse them in the world of low-carbon energies.

Job Dating Day
Thursday, December 12

proposed by France Travail Hérault to facilitate interviews between recruiters and jobseekers.

For the 4th consecutive year, the EnerGaïa Forum presents the Employment and Training Pavilion.

The number of jobs in the renewable energy sector worldwide “has risen from 7.3 million in 2012 to 13.7 million in 2022 “, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). Around 4.9 million jobs worldwide (40% of them women) are concentrated in solar photovoltaics, representing over a third of the workforce working in renewable energies. Nearly 45% of the world’s energy workers are highly skilled, compared with around 25% in the economy as a whole.

In France, employment in this sector is experiencing a growing demand for qualified professionals, particularly in wood energy (23%), heat pumps (23%), hydroelectricity (16%) and wind power (12%).

More than half of these jobs are in the manufacture and installation of equipment, and in preliminary studies for renewable energies (source Ministère de la transition énergétique).

Integrating ecological concerns into economic activity means transforming jobs, skills and training. Anticipating these transformations is crucial to the success of the energy transition.

The objectives of the Pavillon Emploi Formation are :
– Inform professional audiences about job transformation, skills and training.
– Advise companies on solutions adapted to their recruitment and/or training needs (financing, assistance, schemes).
– Putting companies offering jobs in the renewable energies sector in touch with their future employees.


France Travail logo


France Travail will be present at the Pavillon Emploi-Formation, Hall B3, on December 11 and 12, 2024.
Advisors will be on hand to discuss and advise companies on their recruitment and job retention needs, and to qualify their skills requirements (in line with the PRIC training courses drawn up by the Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée Regional Council) and introduce them to the Employers’ Area.

France Travail: a major player in the French job market.
Its employees work hard every day to help jobseekers get back to work, and to offer companies solutions tailored to their recruitment and retention needs.

Since 2021, France Travail has been offering an integrated range of services for all disabled jobseekers and employers at Lieu Uniques d’accompagnement (LUA)

Objective: To inform and advise companies on solutions adapted to their recruitment needs.

Resources: Advisors available throughout the show.

Digital tools: Presentation of the pole-emploi.fr Employer space – facilitated immersion platform.

They'll be there in 2024

BTP CFA / CAMPUS HEREC / CONSILDE / École d’ingénieurs Sup’EnR / Elatos / L’Étincelle / University of Toulouse (GENHYO) / Volt Formation

The Occitanie Region proposes an ambitious policy in terms of guidance, training and employment

As such, it was present on the Employment-Training pavilion and welcomed all those wishing to obtain information related to their career path: orientation or retraining, training (financing, assistance, schemes) and jobs available around the ecological transition and renewable energy professions. The Region’s teams also provided an initial level of information about their services for businesses.

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L’intégralité du Parc des Expositions répond aux normes d’accès pour les personnes à mobilités réduites (PMR).
Il est également possible de bénéficier d’un accès parking spécifique sur présentation de la carte d’invalidité.

Le Forum ouvrira ses portes les 8 et 9 décembre 2021, de 9h à 18 le mercredi et de 9h à 17h le jeudi

L’accès au Forum EnerGaïa est réservé aux professionnels. Gratuit, le badge est néanmoins obligatoire.

Vous souhaitez demander une accréditation pour le Forum EnerGaïa :
Le formulaire est disponible sur l’Espace Presse.

Oui, Le Forum dispose d’un vestiaire gratuit. Les bagages y sont également acceptés

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Do you have any questions?
You can contact us via the following contact forms:


The entire exhibition center meets the standards of access for people with reduced mobility (PMR).
It is also possible to benefit from a specific parking access upon presentation of the disability card.

The Forum will open its doors on December 8 and 9, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday

Access to the EnerGaïa Forum is reserved to professionals. The badge is free of charge, but it is mandatory.

You wish to request an accreditation for the EnerGaïa Forum:
The form is available on the Press Area.

Yes, the Forum has a free checkroom. Luggage is also accepted