Solar Heat Pavilion

New: the solar heat pavilion - Hall B1

In the French solar heating market, although the growth that began in 2022 continued into 2023, the pace slowed (8% for all segments combined, compared with 29% in 2022, according to Uniclima figures published in February 2024), while collective solar thermal sales fell by 10% (compared with 7% growth the previous year).

With 2.4 million m² of collectors in operation, solar thermal has produced 1.3 TWh of renewable heat in mainland France, covering 0.2% of final heat consumption in 2022.

Objective: generate 6 TWh of solar heat by 2030

For the first time, EnerGaïa Forum is hosting a pavilion dedicated to the challenges of solar heat in HALL B1.

Sharing common challenges with the issue of decarbonization of the building sector in the broadest sense, the Solar Heat pavilion, led by Enerplan, will be located right next to the Sustainable Building pavilion to facilitate visitor flow and encourage the search for concrete, cross-disciplinary solutions between key players and exhibitors in these sectors.

Focus on Occitanie

With one of the best levels of sunshine in France, solar thermal installations in Occitanie have developed more rapidly than in other regions in recent years.

In Occitanie, 37 collective and industrial installations were supported between 2017 and 2022, via the Fonds chaleur, for a cumulative surface area of 14,500 m² of collectors and an estimated annual production of 10.2 GWh.

enerplan: energaÏA 2024 partner

Enerplan, the trade association for solar energy (heat and electricity), wanted to take part in this year’s Energaïa trade show and help raise the profile of solar thermal energy by creating a Solar Heat Pavilion.

A real change of scale is needed if France is to maintain its production target of 6 TWh by 2030. The annual market will have to increase tenfold to reach one million m² of collectors (700 MWth) within 3 to 4 years.

This growth will be achieved by promoting 100% renewable heat and solar energy combinations, raising awareness of these solutions among specifiers and training industry players (design engineers, installers, operators) in the various technologies…

France needs to adopt a genuine strategy for renewable and recovered heat, in which solar thermal energy will be a key contributor, complementing other technologies, including storage.

They'll be there in 2024

GreenOneTech / Meuriora-Savosolar / Alto Solution / Hervé Thermique / GiordanoR Energy / SOCOL

about socol

SOCOL for “Solaire Collectif” is a cross-industry initiative launched in 2009 by Enerplan. With the support of ADEME and GRDF, it has succeeded in creating a quality framework for the collective solar thermal sector. SOCOL federates players around this specific technique, to develop high-performance, sustainable collective solar heating in collective housing, the tertiary sector and livestock farming, as well as in industry and heating networks.

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The Forum will open its doors on December 8 and 9, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday

Access to the EnerGaïa Forum is reserved to professionals. The badge is free of charge, but it is mandatory.

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