The Trophy and its history…

The EnerGaïa Innovation Trophy is a unique creation, imagined and created by local craftsmen from Occitanie. The Trophy and its miniatures have been designed using recycled and local resources. These unique pieces combine traditional craftsmanship with a strong commitment to sustainability and circularity, a key value for the EnerGaïa Forum.

The Energaïa Innovation Trophy and its miniatures (the winners’ trophies) were designed to precise specifications, taking into account the notions ofeco-design and local production. Made from recycled glass from high-voltage power line insulators, they provide a direct link to the context of the Renewable Energy Show awards ceremony. Combined with cherry wood from an end-of-life tree gleaned in Toulouse, they are part of a logic of circularity and respect for resources. Their design reflects our desire to create meaningful objects, both in terms of their manufacture and their symbolism.

The main trophy consists of a blown-glass container, filled with recycled glass beads symbolizing the winners’ concrete actions, and transparent beads representing the editions of the forum. The container rests on a hand-turned wooden base, inspired by the shape of the original insulators. The winners’ trophies echo this symbolism in a smaller version, with a recycled glass bead resting on a wooden base.

Beyond the object itself, the challenge was to create a singular experience, in which the trophies crystallize the moment of the awards ceremony. They invite a particular gesture, serving as a pretext for a ritual of collective recognition during the ceremony.



A large recycled glass cylinder, made from former high-voltage power line insulators, contains two different types of glass beads: turquoise beads, which are recycled, and transparent beads, which are recyclable. The whole rests on a base of cherry wood from a local dying tree. A brass disc engraved with the name of the event is inserted at the joint between the glass part and the wooden base.


A recycled glass ball, made from former high-voltage power line insulators, is magnetized to a cherry wood base. An engraved brass disc, bearing the names of the winning categories, is inserted into the surface of the base.


76% recycled glass from Occitan electrical insulators.

13% of cherry wood glazed in the city of Toulouse (end-of-life tree).

7% recyclable clear glass.

3% machined brass from workshop off-cuts.

1% of magnets used to assemble parts.


Baudequinmaldes is a design R&D studio, exploring areas of living through the prism of sensory and cognitive perceptions.

The Baudequinmaldes studio was founded in 2020 by French design couple Anne-Charlotte Baudequin and Mathieu Maldes. Together, they are experimenting with a design approach geared towards holistic sensoriality. Through their creations, they seek to awaken a deep connection with our sensations and emotions, through associations of materials, colors and volumes. These transformative interventions are likely to appeal to the perception and imagination that each person may have of his or her own story.

Baudequinmaldes is a research-led design studio, exploring areas of living through the prism of sensory design. The duo’s work is based on an interdisciplinary study of perceptions, collective imaginations, and the social and cultural forces that shape everyday objects and places. Whether it’s a personal project or a commission, the studio applies a rigorous work methodology, paying particular attention to actors, creative processes and details. The analytical nature of the Baudequinmaldes studio translates into immersive research, creative synthesis and the design of new sensory experiences.


  • Design: Anne-Charlotte Baudequin, Mathieu Maldes
  • Production: Tipii Atelier, Matière à sander
  • Photography: Aurélie Laurent Piera, Mathieu Maldes
  • Video : Anne-Charlotte Baudequin, Mathieu Maldes

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Le Forum ouvrira ses portes les 8 et 9 décembre 2021, de 9h à 18 le mercredi et de 9h à 17h le jeudi

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The entire exhibition center meets the standards of access for people with reduced mobility (PMR).
It is also possible to benefit from a specific parking access upon presentation of the disability card.

The Forum will open its doors on December 8 and 9, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday

Access to the EnerGaïa Forum is reserved to professionals. The badge is free of charge, but it is mandatory.

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The form is available on the Press Area.

Yes, the Forum has a free checkroom. Luggage is also accepted