Why exhibit?

Would you like to participate in the next edition of the EnerGaïa Forum?

Take part in France's only trade fair for all renewable energies

Prospect and boost your sales: meet new customers and build loyalty with old ones.

Build brand awareness: promote your company and showcase your new products and services.

Meet partners and keep abreast of trends in the renewable energy market.

EnerGaïa Forum objectives for 2024

Connect all stakeholders in the RE sector.

Providing concrete solutions for the energy transition.

Showcase innovations in the renewable energies sector with the Innovation Trophies.

Key figures 2023


(+21% vs 2022)

17 000

(+24% vs 2022)


Nations represented
(China, Spain, Germany…)

+ 700

Confirmed business meetings
on the business meeting platform

+ 100

Conferences, workshops and pitches

They visit the Forum

Graphique représentant la répartition des visiteurs par secteur d'activité

Nearly 76% of decision-makers
(CEOs, MDs, managers, directors and department heads, engineers and elected officials)

A show rated 8/10 by visitors

82% intent to revisit
(+8% vs. 2022)

A COP21, COP22, COP23 and COP24 certified event

Become a recognized player in our themed Pavilions!

To exhibit in one of our themed pavilions: the Sustainable Building Pavilion or the Employment and Training Pavilion, please contact:
Trade show business manager
T: +33 (0)4 67 17 68 76

Besoin d'aide ?


Vous avez des questions ?
Vous pouvez nous contacter via les formulaires de contacts suivants :


L’intégralité du Parc des Expositions répond aux normes d’accès pour les personnes à mobilités réduites (PMR).
Il est également possible de bénéficier d’un accès parking spécifique sur présentation de la carte d’invalidité.

Le Forum ouvrira ses portes les 8 et 9 décembre 2021, de 9h à 18 le mercredi et de 9h à 17h le jeudi

L’accès au Forum EnerGaïa est réservé aux professionnels. Gratuit, le badge est néanmoins obligatoire.

Vous souhaitez demander une accréditation pour le Forum EnerGaïa :
Le formulaire est disponible sur l’Espace Presse.

Oui, Le Forum dispose d’un vestiaire gratuit. Les bagages y sont également acceptés

Need help?


Do you have any questions?
You can contact us via the following contact forms:


The entire exhibition center meets the standards of access for people with reduced mobility (PMR).
It is also possible to benefit from a specific parking access upon presentation of the disability card.

The Forum will open its doors on December 8 and 9, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday

Access to the EnerGaïa Forum is reserved to professionals. The badge is free of charge, but it is mandatory.

You wish to request an accreditation for the EnerGaïa Forum:
The form is available on the Press Area.

Yes, the Forum has a free checkroom. Luggage is also accepted